your initial visit: clear information, free pregnancy testing, support

You might feel confused. You might even be scared. We are here to help. 


Options offers free and confidential support to those impacted by unexpected pregnancy.  Our trained staff offer genuine care, compassion and neutrality in the sharing of information and resources, so you feel empowered to make a clear and informed decision about your pregnancy.

*Free pregnancy testing
Think you might be pregnant?  We can provide you with free pregnancy testing as well as care and information to suit your needs. Sometimes you just don’t want to be alone as you process the results…

*Personalized support
Your pregnancy is unlike any other ever experienced because YOU ARE UNIQUE. And you are not alone! The staff and volunteers at Options are here to walk alongside as you navigate your pregnancy, whether it be desired or undesired. 

*Pregnancy options information / exploration
The first days and weeks after you find out you’re pregnant can be very scary and confusing for some. You don’t have to make a decision in a state of fear. Options is here to listen to your story, share information together, provide resources, and tools that allow for crucial decisions to be made in confidence and clarity.

*Mediation between family members or others and client
If you think you might be pregnant one of your first thoughts might be: “How am I going to tell my parents?”  Or  “What is my boyfriend going to say?”  The caring staff at Options can help you think through how you’re going to share this new information with your loved ones, and help you navigate their reactions.

What might an initial visit at our centre look like?

In privacy, and full confidentiality, you will meet with one of our trained pregnancy care support workers. 

Some basic information will be taken, including symptoms, date of last menstrual period, etc.

If requested, a free pregnancy test will be given for your convenience. 

At this point, all pregnancy options will be presented to you in clarity and accuracy and a discussion will be had to help you process your thoughts, fears and questions.

Our meetings are very much client-led, and vary to a certain degree from person to person depending on your needs, comfort-level and situation. You may want to talk and explore a little, or maybe a lot. That is ok.

If desired, a plan of action will be created which may include connecting you with some of our internal programs or applicable community resources.

Above all, you will feel safe, cared for and better equipped to make YOUR choice.

NOTE: Our services do not include abortion procedures.


noun Definition of autonomy

1 as in choice
the act or power of making one's own choices or decisions