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As a childcare worker, you have the opportunity to entertain and interact with little babies and toddlers as their mom (or dad) takes some time much needed for themself. You would assist the head Educator, Nataly in this program and would receive specialized training before you start. Toys, snuggles and lots of fun!


(Summer schedule) Thursdays between 10:00 am and 12:00 pm

(Schoolyear) Thursdays between 3:00 pm and 6:00 pm.

*Some may want to come weekly, while others every couple of weeks. Let us know what works for you…


You would work in a small-group setting at the Options Centre in the "Living Room Lounge” space, with a couple of other volunteers.

the ARK Boutique: free baby and maternity boutique


As an ARK assistant, you will help in the sorting and cleaning of items that we receive from the community for our baby and maternity boutique, the ARK. Checking expiration dates, ensuring items are in their place, and helping to prepare packages for people needing help.


This opportunity will be offered 1 Saturday per month, from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm.


You would work in the ARK boutique space and Living Room Lounge, under the supervision of the ARK Manager, Sarah, alongside other students.

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Your commitment will make a lasting difference in the lives of young parents needing support!

Do you love working with little ones? How about making a real impact in your community? Need “volunteer hours” for school? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then we have an awesome opportunity for you!

At Options, we help young people as they navigate young parenthood and unexpected pregnancy, supporting them with tools and resources to help them thrive in their role. Being a parent takes a good amount of energy, even under the most “ideal” circumstances, so parenting without support, resources or even breaks— can be discouraging, lonely and hard to manage alone. That’s where we come in :) And where YOU come in!

We long to equip, encourage and empower our clients through a variety of programs designed to support them in holistic health: mentally, physically, spiritually, socially…


We have designed a customized, bilingual, volunteer experience for young people in our community to acquire some important work practice, life skills, volunteerism, and team participation, all while feeling GREAT knowing that help and support are being given to some of the most vulnerable members of our community. All this in a safe, non-threatening environment in the heart of Chateauguay.

Perhaps interacting and caring for little ones sounds like fun, or maybe you like to sort and organize… We want you to enjoy this commitment, so we have a couple of opportunities to get involved. We can’t wait to have you join the Options family!

Time commitment slots are flexible and can be adapted according to your schedule, so don’t feel shy to let us know what works (or doesn't for you!). We also want to see you thrive and feel empowered through this process. See the “jobs” listedto the left for more info.

I.B Programme hours: *If needed, for a school program or job opportunity, a certificate of volunteerism shall be awarded after the completed commitment is fulfilled. Let us know your requirements before you start!

Apply to be a part of the “Teen Volunteer Program” at Options:

Options is a program of faith-based, non-profit, Montreal Youth Unlimited.

  • MYU provides community-based programs that connect passionate people to the aspirations of Quebec youth.

  • MYU offers authentic relationships and fun, innovative programming to enable youth to discover their worth and God’s unique purpose for their lives.

  • MYU empowers compassionate people to actively participate in the transformation of Quebec youth.

  • MYU sees the hope and potential in every young person.

I could cry tears of joy at the blessing Options has been. I have had a front-row seat and have seen so many beautiful young lives touched and changed. If I had to sum up Options in just two words, I would say: ‘safe place’.
— A current volunteer @ Options